Brown Paper ….It’s not just for Christmas!

As a gift wrapper I'm lucky enough to be surrounded by pretty materials with everything I could possibly need at my fingertips to be creative or achieve a particular look I need when wrapping for a client, family or friend. But yet there's one material I...

Meet the maker – Life behind a creative business

It's a pretty natural human desire to know more about those around us. Most magazines and media coverage are full to brimming with celebrity gossip and lets be honest, the more normal 'bad hair day' images and tales of burning the dinner being the most...

Quick and Easy Wool Pom Poms!

It's been some time since the pom pom was ranking top of the craft slot but thanks to a new surge in focus from the fashion and interior design industry, these little sphere's of retro fluff have been making a well earned come back! As a...

Spring Gift Wrapping Inspiration

Looking for some inspiration for a spot of gift wrapping this Spring? Green is a great place to start! We know spring is upon us when the green shoots of bulbs appear through the ground and the green leaves start to grow on the trees so...